Workshop: ‘Resilience and Stories of Overcoming’
Strengthening Wellbeing – Practicing Empathic Dialogue – Nurturing Purpose
This Trailer (2min) shows the openness and depth of connection that you are invited to experience in our unique workshop.
Most of us feel deeply concerned about the pressing global issues of our time and feel the need to communicate better across cultural divides. Many of us can feel isolated in our care and are longing for meaningful social connections and a desire for (more) collective actions.
Our signature workshop offers you the chance to experience a new, innovative, media-enhanced, uniquely interactive Virtual Peer Dialogue method together with other caring peers.
Our Human Bridges Community invites you to participate in three virtual dialogue sessions as part of our signature programme ‘Resilience and Stories of Overcoming’. The sessions are built around inspiring media and give you a safe space to share, connect and build character strengths and life skills.
Many of us are longing for uplifting experiences and deep connections in these turbulent times. During three intentional and safe dialogue sessions, you will experience empathic dialogue and storytelling activities that support you to connect deeply in small groups during these difficult times. These are the topics for each session:
Session 1: On Empathic Dialogue – Introducing the CBE Method
Session 2: On Discovering Resilience – Through our Stories of Overcoming
Session 3: On Discovering Purpose – Through our Stories of Overcoming
We facilitate these online sessions in groups of about 12 participants. With the use of break out rooms, you will experience the depth, vulnerability, and courage necessary to nurture dialogues in small groups of 3-4 participants. All of our sessions are structured around dialogue agreements to create a safe environment for empathic interactions. This method is developed by Crossing Borders Education (CBE), an international non-profit organisation that specializes in personal transformation and dialogue across differences.
- Place: virtually on Webex (an invitation will be sent to you)
- Date and Time: TBA
Please click on the button below to register for this program.