Intercultural Collaborations
Crossing Borders Education (CBE) is an international non-profit organisation and charity for cross-cultural education registered in the UK. Since its inception CBE has been proud to partner with a range of institutions in the field of intercultural education and social justice. By working together with other leaders in the field CBE and its partners have more impact towards our goal of a more cross-culturally skilled and interconnected world.
Peace Development Fund
The fiscal sponsor of Crossing Borders Education/US is the Peace Development Fund (PDF), a 501(c)(3) public foundation through which our supporters are able to make tax-deductible donations in the U.S. PDF is dedicated to social, environmental and economic justice and was founded on the belief that lasting change will come only when a large amount of people are well informed and empowered to make change.
Crossing Borders Films
Crossing Borders Films (CBF), partners with CBE in creating educational toolkits and video packages around the CBF intercultural trilogy of feature length documentaries. The films, videos and packages are designed to bring powerful intercultural encounters, learnings, and dialogues into educational institutions, businesses, and civic centres. read more
National Geographic Education
Together with National Geographic Education, CBE created a set of web based tools with intercultural activities built around the Crossing Borders Trilogy. The tools support National Geographic’s vision to deepen geo-literacy amongst the American public and to raise awareness for the interconnectedness of our planet. view tools
The School of International Training
CBE has partnered with the Graduate Institute of SIT for the production of its Study Abroad Toolkit, which is designed as an intercultural training of students during their time abroad.
Erasmus Mundus Master Degree
CBE is an Erasmus Mundus Associate Partner of the University of Glasgow (UoG), Dublin City University and Charles University in Prague. CBE is collaborating with the School of Social and Political Sciences, UoG on the Erasmus Mundus degree International Masters in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies addressing intercultural awareness and how it impacts security.
Morocco Exchange
Morocco Exchange (MoEx), partners with CBE in organising intercultural immersion and academic travel programs to a wide range of study abroad programs such as Arcadia University, Boston University, Central College, CIEE, Fontys University, IES, New York University, Syracuse University, University of California, and over 30 other university programs. read more
Michigan State University
Crossing Borders Film’s second feature documentary The Dialogue was co-produced with Michigan State University (MSU). The collaboration was part of MSU’s International Studies and Programs and has resulted in a number of intercultural events around The Dialogue.
James Madison University
CBE is collaborating with James Madison University (JMU) and the International Beliefs and Values Institute (IBAVI) in creating an educational video package for the Summit Series on transformative teaching, training and learning called “Cultivating the Globally Sustainable Self”.
Haddington International Education
Haddington International Education‘s (HIE) team of intercultural professionals offers staff trainings around CBE resources, which are essential support for internationalising campus life and for implementing intercultural sessions into general curriculum at institutions such as Fontys University.
Campus Internationalisation
CBE collaborates with a variety of American and European universities to implement intercultural sessions into curricular and student life, such as George Mason University, Webster University, Missouri State University, among others.
British Council – DICE
CBE collaborates with the British Council’s Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies (DICE) programme, that imagines and activates new forms of cultural and economic agency. DICE does so by placing creativity, experimentation, co-design, social purpose, action research, and international connection at the heart of its work.