Post Dialogue: processing experiences
Encourage your group via e-mail to reflect about the dialogue a day or two after coming together. The Host-a-Screening Guide and following resources will support you in this step of grounding insights.
- Suggest exploring the short videos on the page Culture of Dialogue
- Suggest writing a short message to each other about the experience.
- Suggest sharing one sentence about this experience on social media.
Next Steps: initiating connections
- Consider facilitating an intergroup dialogue with another group to grow your skills and reach new people.
- Ask your group to help with invitations using the American Textures Trailer view
- Organize a Screening Discussion Event in a different setting within your community (e.g. at a home, cafe, work place, church, or library).
Return to the page Host a Screening
Go Deeper: Conflict Mediation Toolkit
View our online tools and use the Conflict Mediation Toolkit to discover the power of group processes in different intercultural settings. Bring powerful learning into your community or classroom and enhance key skills such as critical thinking, leadership skills, cross-cultural skills, civic engagement, social skills, and others.