Toolclip introduction
In this Toolclip you can explore the impact of different social and cultural backgrounds on the experience and interpretation of a situation. It provides you with one film clip, discussion manual and debrief questions to engage your students in short peer-to-peer dialogues.Video summary: The clip shows Cory and Huanyu reacting entirely different to the very same situation of a poverty simulation. While Cory experiences a very emotional reconnection to his birth mother, Huanyu feels offended by the Western facilitator.
Possible points for discussion
- How did each of the three people (Cory, Huanyu, the workshop facilitator) in the clip view the simulation?
- What cultural (and sub-cultural) groups are represented by Cory, Huanyu, and the facilitator?
- Can you recall an experience where you and someone else have had a very different interpretation of an event that has happened?
Detailed suggestions for how to use in class can be found in the facilitator manual. You may also find it helpful to learn about our educational approach.
Discover more
This toolclip comes from our Study Abroad Toolkit, which was developed in partnership with the SIT Graduate Institute. The video is an excerpt of our feature film The Dialogue (68 min) which focuses on young people discovering a variety of intercultural communication skills while traveling in China.