Taster Dialogue Sessions
Experience Deep Connections and Uplifting Community.
This Trailer (2min) shows the depth of connection that our workshop participants are invited to experience within small groups to help grow trust and build virtual communities.
This time is truly stretching and many of us are longing for meaningful social connections and belonging. You are invited to our nurturing taster session. You will experience empathic peer dialogue that will model creatively how to connect deeply during these difficult times.
We will facilitate the virtual session in an intimate and diverse group of 4-12 participants in order to experience the qualities that nurture our capacities of empathic listening and human care. The intended outcomes for our participants are:
- An experience of meaningful connections
- An open space for inspiration by peers
- A glimpse of a safe space that grows trust and belonging
PRACTICALITIES – Date & Time & Commitment:
- Place: The taster session will be facilitated online.
- Event: One engaging, interactive dialogue session (1hr).
- Time: 11amEST – 12pmEST (New York time)
- Dates:
- Date: Nov. 17, 2022 at 11am EST (New York Time)
- Other: You can ask for future dates in the program registration.
- Preparation: Completion of a short multimedia preparation online (5 min).
- Commitment: To create a welcoming space we commit to show respect and care to other participants.
- Cost: With gratitude to our partners, we offer this session free of charge.
Please click on the button below to register for this program.